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Numerology Overview

It's up to you to determine your journey's direction.

Numerology is not new, but it may be new to you. 

Numerology has been used for more than 2,500 years by many cultures.

It is widely accepted that the universe was created from vibrating energy.  The characteristics of this energy

can be understood through numbers.  

An ancient philosopher Pythagoras, of Europe is known as the founder of "The Science of Numbers"

and has developed a very insightful tool.

This tool reveals with a great deal of accuracy our numbers and the meaning each number represents.

These numbers give us the meaning of our life lessons and the path best to journey to be happy. 

Who am I? Why am I here? 


This is how to use the Pythagoras tool to determine your Life Path number.

Add your day, month and year of birth all together then reduce to one signal digit between 1-9.

Here's an example

July 1, 1950 - July the 7th month

add 7+1+1+9+5+0= 23 = 2+3 = 5.  This birthdate has the energy of a 5 Life Path. 

Someone who wants: to experience freedom, fun, adventure; gets bored easily;

likes constant stimulation; loves travel. 


Pythagoras's tool also included a number energy for each letter of the alphabet.

Each one of the 26 letters in the alphabet is given a number between 1-9. 

Take your full name that is on your birth certificate and assign a letter. 

Add all the numbers together and 

reduce to one signal digit from 1-9.

1   2    3    4     5   6    7   8   9

A   B   C    D    E   F   G   H   I

J    K   L    M    N  O   P   Q   R

S   T    U    V   W   X   Y   Z       


Here's an example

Pearl P=7, e=5, a=1, r=9, l=3  Add 7+5+1+9+3 = 25 = 2+5 = 7

the name Pearl has the vibration of a 7 energy. 

Someone who needs: to figure things out for themselves; 

a need for time alone; have a very analytical mind. 


Here are the 5 core numbers and their meaning.    


5 Core number review:  


  • Your Life Path number - is calculated from the day, month and year of birth.  It's the most important number in your chart and describes the lessons you are here to learn and be happy. 

  • Your Soul number comes from adding all the vowels in your name as it appears on your birth certificate.  This is the energy you will feel deeply inside, but other people may not see these characteristics.

  • Your Personality number comes from adding all the consonants of your name as it appears on your birth certificate.  This numbers describes how others as they get to know you, perceive you.

  • Your Destiny number is calculated by adding up all the letters in your full birth name.  This number describes what you must do before you leave this earth. 

  •  Your Birthday number is the day on which you were born reduced to one digit and describes how people see instantly when they meet you.

Karmic Debt Numbers -

13/4, 14/5, 16/7, 19/1 are the Karmic Debt numbers that can appear in your five core numbers.


Basically the karmic debt numbers indicates that you have a debt to pay in this lifetime for actions you performed in former lifetimes.  Karmic numbers are not as bad as it sounds.  We have all come here to experience challenges and learn from them.  Knowing this helps us to understand and not repeat these challenges this time or in another life.  


'Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. 

Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you,

too, can become great.'


- Mark Twain -

Are you ready?



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